Friday, April 26, 2013


3 endangerd animals:(black rhinos ,they are getting hurt because there hornes are good for medince  and clothes.Gaint panda,  tiger,Polar bear,walrus


  1. Sam so the way that u delete people is go to some ones ofule your friends but some one that you have friends in common s then you press my circles it on the right on tip of people in common then its going to send you to your circle press the x on the person s name

    1. u should not be commenting about how to delete people from Gmail u should me commenting about the nice work that Samya did or what she should do to make this post better

  2. Or we will go to science monday

    1. the same from the above that's all i have to tell u

  3. Samya i love this post but the only problem is that u should add more details to this and more details about each animal u wrote like Gaint panda, tiger,Polar bear,walrus and it looks like u didn't get to finish this post so i hope my advice helps u so u can finish this post bye.
