Friday, November 22, 2013

What We Need To Do

In the Saving the Black Rhino project, the first thing we need to do is raise awareness. Maybe we could make a presentation, or a general website where people don't have to log on to view the information about the project, so it could be more open to the rest of the world. Maybe we could turn this project into a worldwide event! I'll be helping you guys the most I can, even though I'm a senior in Junior High. We'll keep in contact and I'll keep posting if I get more ideas. I'm looking forward to hear your feedback!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rosie,

    Thank you very much for your great ideas. We are already working on presentations and have a website with information about the project. We are putting together video presentations of the research findings and Save the Rhino songs from our Founder group of schools from this summer. Students from NYC, Bungoma and Nairobi, Kenya have submitted their videos and we are putting them all together and editing and should soon be posting them on the OPEN website

    Already we have one video from the kids from Nairobi on the homepage. Follow the Learn More link under the video after watching it. On that page there is more information. On the right side top of that page is a DRAFT report of the findings, work and lyrics and scripts from the African schools. We are updating that too and will replace with the final report.

    We are also partnering with other environmental/conservation groups who have been doing work and educational programs around the world so we can join forces and get the word out to other schools worldwide through our programs and social media. This is what we hope to be doing in Phase II of this project in 2014. We would welcome your participation in that as well.

    We want to get classes in South Africa and Botswana where there are the largest black rhino populations, and they are under increasing threat. We also want to appeal to the demand country governments and ours to help us by educating their people buying rhino horn in the false hope that rhino horn can cure cancer and other ills. Big effort, but you kids can lead the battle and save the rhino and change the world for the better. Your turn Rosie. Thank you and stay in touch through this blog and directly to Mr. Ronelus and his current class working on this problem.

    All the Best,

    George Newman
    One Planet Education Network (OPEN)
